This web pages shows plots generated with the plotlyhs packages, along with the Haskell code that generated the plots. To use the plots on the generate page, the Plotly.js source code should first be including by adding this tag to your HTML header:
<script src=""></script>
Alternatively, this tag can be included in an HTML page using the plotlyCDN
function in Graphics.Plotly.Lucid
(when using Lucid) or
(when using blaze-html).
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Lucid
import Lucid.Html5
import Graphics.Plotly
import Graphics.Plotly.Lucid
import Lens.Micro
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as T
main =
T.writeFile "test.html" $ renderText $ doctypehtml_ $ do
head_ $ do meta_ [charset_ "utf-8"]
body_ $ toHtml $ plotly "myDiv" [myTrace]
pointsData :: [(Double, Double)]
pointsData = zip [1,2,3,4] [500,3000,700,200]
= line (aes & x .~ fst
& y .~ snd) pointsData
In the examples below, we omit all of the imports,
main function, html header and focus only
on the Plotly
value (the argument to toHtml
). The
value can be constructed with the function plotly
which takes two arguments: the element id of the <div>
for the plot (this element will be created if you call toHtml on the Plotly
value) and a list of traces.
We use these this basic dataset:
pointsData :: [(Double, Double)]
pointsData = zip [1,2,3,4] [500,3000,700,200]
Code to generate build the Plotly
(which has a toHtml
instance), result on the right
plotly "div1" [line (aes & x .~ fst
& y .~ snd)
The above is quite unbearably sized & padded for this tutorial, so let's fix the margins and the plot height
plotly "div2" [line (aes & x .~ fst
& y .~ snd)
& layout . margin ?~ thinMargins
& layout . height ?~ 300
plotly "div3" [points (aes & x .~ fst
& y .~ snd)
& layout . margin ?~ thinMargins
& layout . height ?~ 300
plotly "div4" [points (aes & x .~ fst
& y .~ snd)
& mode ?~ [Lines, Markers]]
& layout . margin ?~ thinMargins
& layout . height ?~ 300
This plot uses the iris
value from the datasets package
plotly "div6"
[points (aes & x .~ sepalLength
& y .~ sepalWidth
& color ?~ (fromEnum . irisClass)) iris]
& layout . margin ?~ thinMargins
& layout . height ?~ 300
Using this simple dataset:
hbarData :: [(Text, Double)]
hbarData = [("Simon", 14.5), ("Joe", 18.9), ("Dorothy", 16.2)]
plotly "div7"
[hbars (aes & y .~ fst
& x .~ snd)
& layout . margin ?~ thinMargins
& layout . height ?~ 300